Healthy Rocky Road

healthy vegan rocky road recipe Every kid loves Rocky Road, and most adults probably do as well!  Unfortunately Rocky Road is quite unhealthy with the marshmallows, syrup, biscuits and butter. I always like to challenge myself to make a more healthy (and vegan) version of a treat. I’ve made healthy Ferrero Rocher and healthy Snickers balls before for example. Creating a healthy and vegan Rocky Road recipe was my next challenge. I wanted it to be easy to make, so I only used 4 ingredients. If you use gluten free chocolate, they’re gluten free as well. These healthy no-bake Rocky Road treats are still very tasty and still feel like a real treat! vegan healthy rocky road Recipe Healthy Rocky Road Ingredients (for about 15 pieces): 1 bar of dark chocolate 2 rice waffles Handful of goji berries Handful of nuts (I used hazelnuts and almonds) Put the rice waffles in a zip-lock bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Melt the dark chocolate au-bain-marie (or in the microwave if you stir regularly). Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix them with half of the melted chocolate. Put your rocky road mixture in a silicone baking mold (I used a silicone ice cube mold for the square shape). Cover with the remaining dark chocolate. Refrigerate your healthified Rocky Road for about an hour. Here you can see how easy it is to make them in a food video I made together with The Foodie Channel: Click here for all my healthy sweet recipes.


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