
Vegan blueberry cheesecake squares

vegan blueberry cheesecake

I think these blueberry cheesecake squares are so cute! They’re easy to make, healthy, vegan and a perfect small snack or dessert! The great thing is that you can just keep them in the freezer until 10 minutes before serving.
I made them with blueberries, but you can use whichever fruit you like! They’re also great with strawberries or mango for example.

I’ve used an ice cube tray to make the squares, but you cal also use a square pie pan and cut them in squares or bars yourself. Below is the recipe for 16 squares.

100 gram (3/4 cup) pecans (walnuts also work)
4 medjool dates
1  tbs cookie spices
1/3 teaspoon vanilla paste (or extract)

Blueberry layer:
100 gram (3/4 cup) cashews (soaked overnight/minimum 4 hours
100 gram blueberries
1 tbs maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tbs plant based milk

vegan blueberry cheesecake squares

Mix all the ingredients for the bottom except the dates in a food processor until crumbed.  Add dates and mix until you have a sticky dough. Cover the bottom of 16 ice cube shapes with the dough. Place in the fridge while making the cheesecake layer.
For this you combine all the ingredients except the blueberries in a food processor and mix until you have a smooth texture. Cover the ice cube shapes with half of this mixture and put in the freezer while you make the blueberry layer. Simply add the blueberries to the remaining cashew mixture and top the squares with this blueberry layer. Put in the freezer until serving or for at least 1 hour.
blueberry cheesecake squares

 Do you like these cheesecake squares? You might also like my vegan pumpkin spice squares!


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