Healthy Raspberry Cheesecake


There are many ways to make a healthy cheesecake, on this website alone you can already find different versions.
This one is not only free of sugars, but free of any sweeteners. I didn’t even use honey! The raspberries are already sweet enough!

Ingredients (for a small pie shape):
* 50gr dates
* 20gr oatmeal
* 20 mixed nuts
* 300gr Greek yogurt 0%fat
* 75gr raspberries
* 2 gelatin sheets

Mix the dates, oatmeal and nuts in a food processor until they’re finely chopped and mixed together. Put the mixture for the bottom in the small pie plate.
Put the gelatin sheets in cold water for a couple of minutes. Squeeze the water out. Warm up two tablespoons of yogurt in a small pan and add the gelatin sheets. Mix the gelatin mixture with the yogurt. Set a couple of raspberries aside for decoration and mix the rest in a food processor. Soon the raspberries in the yogurt mix and put the cheesecake in the freezer or fridge to stiffen.


Click here for my recipe for vegan cheesecake.


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