


Suriname might not be the first country that comes to mind when you’re thinking about your next holiday destination. And that’s exactly why I think you should go there! In Suriname you can still experience an authentic country, not ruined by tourism yet. If you’re looking for a Lonely Planet for Suriname, I have to disappoint you because it doesn’t exist (yet). Hopefuly my tips will help you!

If you’re travelling to Suriname you can spend a few days in Paramaribo, the capital city, but then go to the gem of the country: the jungle.

Paramaribo AnnetravelfoodieParamaribo doesn’t have many must-see sights, although the market and Fort Zeelandia should be on your to-do list.
One of the nicest places in Paramaribo is the ‘waterkant’, where small stands sell Parbo beer and snacks and you can dance and watch the sunset.
If you’re looking for a good Surinamese meal, I recommend De Gadri. It’s a bit hidden between the Waterkant and Fort Zeelandia. But on the plastic chairs you can enjoy your soup whilst watching the sunset over the Suriname River.
If you’re going for a drink in the evening, consider ‘cafe ‘t Vat‘, a sidewalk cafe as they call themselves.

And as I said before, I really recommend going inland, to the jungle. We booked our tour with Orange Suriname, Anaula Nature Resorttheir travel agent is located around the corner from Cafe ‘t Vat. We booked a 3 day tour with them to Anaula. You will leave Paramaribo by bus and then switch to a boat at Atjoni. From there you’ll have a beautiful boat ride on the Suriname River, straight to the jungle. In the jungle there are no roads or cars, so by boat is the only way to get there. We stayed in nice cabins at Anaula, a small island in the river. The meals at the Anaula Nature Resort are wonderful and monkeys will accompany you for breakfast.

Here’s an impression of our stay in Suriname in less than 3 minutes:


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Anne Travel Foodie