Pulled ‘chicken’ sandwich

vegan pulled chicken sandwich

As I’m not eating meat, the whole ‘pulled chicken’ and ‘pulled pork’ hype just passed me. But the more people where talking about it, the more I wanted to create a vegetarian version. So I bought a can of ‘mock chicken’ in an Asian supermarket and decided to give it a go. My version of the pulled chicken sandwich is vegan and much healthier!
I have to admit that my chicken isn’t really ‘pulled’, it’s more ‘cubed’. But that doesn’t matter for the taste. I created a meat-like flavor by using barbecue sauce. I’ve discovered it a long time ago that if you just use the same seasoning as you would use for meat, pretty much everything tastes like real meat.
But this fake chicken is better for your body, the planet and the animals!

vegan pulled mock chicken sandwich recipe

1 can (10oz/280gr) mock chicken
A dash of chili flakes
1 ts paprika powder
1 ts olive oil
4 tbs barbecue sauce
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
3 leaves fresh thyme

Drain the can of mock chicken. Pull the ‘meat’ apart so you get the pulled meat look (you can probably do a better job at this than me). Put the mock chicken in an oven tray and combine with all the ingredients.
Put it in the oven for 20 minutes (180c/350F).
Remove the thyme before serving.

vegan pulled mock chicken sandwich

This veggie pulled chicken tastes great with fried red onion rings, lettuce and pita bread.

If you like this, you might also like my vegan crispy tofu tacos.



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