Healthy Apple Cake


For this healthy apple cake I was inspired by Chicks Love Food, a Dutch website with great recipes.
Here’s the recipe for one small apple cake in English.

* 3 apples
* 2 handful of raisins
* 3 ts cinnamon
* 2 tbs honey
* 300 gr (2.5cups) whole wheat flour
* 1 tbs baking powder
* 2 eggs
* 3 dates
* 250ml (1cup) (almond)milk
* 2 tbs olive oil

Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F). Remove the skin of 2 apples and dice them. Mix them with the raisins, cinnamon and 1 tbs honey.
Put the flour, baking powder, eggs, dates, milk, olive oil and 1 tbs honey in a food processor. Mix until smooth. Combine with apple mixture.
Cover a small pie shape with baking paper and put the mixture in. Cut the other apple in small slices and decorate the pie.
Bake the pie in about 45 minutes.



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