
Food Talks

When I got the invitation for Food Talks I was enthusiastic straight away: I love to talk about food!
But the event was even more interesting than I thought. Food Talks was organized by HelloFresh to share trends, ideas, developments and research about (healthy) food, dinner time or about other food-related topics. This first Food Talks edition was about how we experience dinner in our hectic lives. They invited 5 food experts that were questioned by Milou Turpijn, editor-in-chief of Women’s Health NL.
hello fresh food talks event

HelloFresh did a research amongst 1.000 participants and tonight they shared the results with us. One of the subjects was the stress factors concerning dinner. 52% of the people find it difficult to find inspiration and think about what to cook for dinner and 36% is worried that the dish isn’t healthy enough. I always hope those people will find the way to my dinner recipes page, as all my recipes are healthy and easy to make!

hello fresh food talk event

I absolutely recognized that most of us often have a lot to do and planning and cooking an extended dinner is not always our top priority. 89% of the Dutch people think it’s important to have dinner with their partner or family, but because of work and hobbies this isn’t always possible. I also find it tempting sometimes when I had a busy day at work to just buy something simple and unhealthy. Luckily, I can always think of something that’s easy to make, like a couscous dish or a courgetti recipe. And a meal service like HelloFresh can also help when you’re busy, as you don’t have to do the groceries and they make sure the meals are healthy. Did you know that you can choose vegetarian dishes there as well?

vegan buddha bowl

The panel of the Food Talks event also talked about watching tv or using a smartphone at the dinner table. I’m very curious what your opinions are about this. For me personally, me and my partner never watch tv during a meal. I can imagine that it might be different when you have kids. When I was young we used to have dinner at the tv every Friday and Saturday. Somehow, it also felt like quality time together.
And how do you feel about smartphones at the dinner table? I always have my phone nearby to check my Instagram and Facebook, it’s so tempting to just have a quick look at it! But I really want dinner to be a moment where me and my boyfriend catch up, talk about our day and have a nice conversation. So I always put my phone on mute and put it aside, and I encourage him to put his phone away too!

vegan summer rolls hello fresh
During the evening we also ate delicious food! These vegan summer rolls with cucumber, mango, noodles and cilantro. And a buddha bowl with red rice, avocado, kale, spinach and sweet potato.

By the way, on July 2nd HelloFresh organizes the Hello Food Festival, to celebrate their 5 year anniversary. You’ll find more information here.

This blog post was sponsored by HelloFresh, but without any restrictions about its content. All opinions are my own.

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