Win a LifeFood package!

Do you already know Lifefood? I’m a big fan of their healthy food products. And I’m very happy to announce that I’m giving away a package filled with all kinds of Lifefood products! So if you want to win this healthy package, keep on reading!

First let me tell you a bit more about Lifefood and their products. They have a wide range of food products and everything is raw, organic, vegan, gluten free and sugar free. And best of all: it’s all very tasty!
Just like I’m trying to show you with my healthy recipes, Lifefood shows you that eating healthy can still be delicious. As a matter of fact, I think it often tastes better!

vegan hazelnut dream spread
I made this toast with the Dream Cream Hazelnut spread. It tastes like a combination of Nutella and peanut butter but then healthy, vegan and raw! It goes great on toast with banana and raw chocolate chips.
They also have a Dream Cream Chocolate spread with almonds, chocolate and vanilla.

lifefood vegan cookies
Look at this beautiful breakfast bowl! I made this bowl with soy yogurt, banana, blueberries, grated coconut and peanut butter. And as a finishing touch I added the beautiful flower shaped cookies from LifeFood. They are raw chocolate cookies filled with cashew cream. They’re vegan and gluten free. They also have lemon-vanilla and chai-orange cookies.

organic beetroot chips
Even your snack-moment is healthified with these red beetroot chips from LifeFood. You can eat them as a snack like you’d eat regular chips (crisps), but they’re also great as a side dish for dinner or to add some color to your lunch like I did. I made toast with red beet spread and covered it with crushed beetroot chips.

After seeing all these delicious food pictures, you probably want to know how you can win a package filled with tasty and healthy food!
All you have to do is like my Facebook Page and leave a comment at my LifeFood post. That’s all!
Fingers crossed!

Ps the giveaway is not restricted to certain countries, everyone in the world can join!

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