
Vegan Turkish Kisir Salad

Kisir is a Turkish salad that’s often served as a mezze, a small dish. But you can also eat it as a lunch salad or for dinner. On this page I’m sharing the recipe for vegan Turkish Kisir salad. I didn’t need to change anything in the traditional recipe to make it vegan, this recipe is originally vegan. The Kisir salad contains many vegetables, and bulgur.

There are all kinds of varieties on Kisir, as you can choose yourself which vegetables you want to add. I always think lettuce, tomato and cucumber make a great refreshing Kisir salad. I topped this salad with parsley, but you can also use fresh mint. Scroll down for the recipe of this vegan Turkish Kisir salad.

Recipe vegan Turkish Kisir salad

Ingredients (serves 2):
150 grams bulgur
1 red onion
70 grams tomato paste
3 tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 head of little gem lettuce
Fresh Parsley to taste
Olive oil

Put the bulgur in a big bowl and add boiling water. Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes. Drain the remaining water afterwards.
Peel and cut the onion. Warm some olive oil in a frying pan and saute the onion for 2 minutes on medium fire. Add the tomato paste and a splash of water. Fry for 10 minutes on low fire and stir regularly.
Wash the tomato, cucumber and lettuce. Cut the vegetables in small pieces.
Stir the tomato paste through the bulgur. Add the lettuce, tomato, cucumber and parsley leaves and stir loosely.
Optionally you can top it with a variety of seeds like sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

You might also like my recipe for vegan and vegetarian tapas.

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