
New: healthy and vegan (sandwich) spreads

Today Mister Kitchen’s has launched three new healthy and vegan spreads. You can use these spreads on a sandwich, on a panini or as a healthy dip for your vegetables.
You might know Mister Kitchen as the organizers of food truck event ‘Rollende Keukens’ in Amsterdam or from their original peanut butter flavors. This morning they organized a Valentine’s Day breakfast and I was one of the food bloggers that were invited. They launched their vegan sandwich spreads during the breakfast party. They’re called ‘V-spreads’ and as of today they are on sale at the Albert Heijn supermarkets in the Netherlands.

The spreads come in three flavors: tomato/courgette, chili/pepper and chickpeas/lemon. Unlike the existing sandwich spread they don’t contain any oils or mayonnaise. And they contain a lot more vegetables. The sandwich spread from Heinz only contains 30% vegetables, and these spreads contain 65%. They also contain a lot less sugar. As a matter of fact they don’t contain any added sugars at all, only 3 grams of sugars from the vegetables (in comparison Heinz Sandwich spread contains 14 grams).

As I’ve said, you might already know Mister Kitchen’s from their peanut butter. They also launched two new peanut butter flavors today: Crunchy Hazelnut and Almond Speculaas (pumpkin spice).
Check out my favorite peanut butter recipes to see what you can make with their peanut butters.

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