Recipe vegan pumpkin bread

This pumpkin bread is super tasty! You can use it instead of regular bread for breakfast or lunch to make a sandwich but you can also serve it as a snack at a party. It’s great on its own but makes a perfect combination with homemade hummus.
I was inspired for this vegan pumpkin bread by a recipe I saw from Dutch supermarket Jumbo. You can read their recipe in Dutch here.
In the original recipe they advised to buy a pumpkin, cut it in half, peel it and cut it in cubes. But I always think this is so much work. So if your supermarket sells the ready to use pumpkin cubes, I’d advise you to buy those. I used a 400 grams package of peeled and cubed pumpkin.
I’ve also made this recipe a bit more healthy by using whole wheat flour instead of regular flour. Choosing whole wheat flour is healthier as it contains more fiber.

400 grams cubed pumpkin (or half a pumpkin peeled and cubed)
400 grams whole wheat flour
1 sachet of dried yeast (7 grams)
2 tbs olive oil
5 grams sea salt
50 ml lukewarm water

Preheat an oven to 180°C/375°F. Spread the pumpkin cubes on a baking tray and cover with aluminium foil. Bake the pumpkin for 25 minutes. Let it cool and use a food processor or stick blender to puree the pumpkin.
Use a mixer with dough hooks to mix the mashed pumpkin, whole wheat flour, yeast, olive oil and water until a dough has formed. Put the dough underneath a clean kitchen towel and let it rise for one hour.
Knead the dough in the shape of a loaf of bread and let it rest underneath the towel for another 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven again to 180°C/375°F. Bake the pumpkin bread for about 30 minutes. If it’s not solid enough yet, warm it again in 5 minute intervals.

You can save the vegan pumpkin bread in a paper bag or kitchen towel for 2 days.

This vegan pumpkin bread is also great for your Easter brunch! Check all my Easter recipes on this page.

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