Sweet potato gnocchi

vegan gnocchi insta

I love gnocchi, this potato pasta has such a great taste. I’ve been thinking of making my own gnocchi for quite a while, since I love cooking and homemade food always tastes better.
I wanted to make a sweet potato version. I just think sweet potatoes have a richer taste than regular potatoes and they have less carbs and calories so that’s an extra benefit!
As you might know I’m eating more plant based nowadays. so I wanted to make a vegan gnocchi. It almost sounded impossible at the start, because everyone told me that you will need eggs to make gnocchi. But I was determined, so I’ve created a vegan sweet potato gnocchi recipe. It’s healthy and super tasty. I didn’t miss the eggs at all and I loved the sweet potato flavor.
Below is my recipe for 2  big portions, step-by-step pictures and a suggestion of how to make a full meal with the gnocchi.

2 big sweet potatoes (or 3 smaller ones)
100 gram (3/4 cup) flour
Salt & pepper

Start with roasting the sweet potatoes, you can do this in the oven but it’s much easier and faster in the microwave. Check how to roast sweet potatoes here. Remove the skin and mash them and put in the fridge to cool. Once cooled, add a little bit of nutmeg (about half a teaspoon) and some salt an pepper. Gradually add the flour and mix with a spoon and form a dough with your hands.
Make 3 balls from the dough, cover your work surface with a bit of flour and roll the ball to a rope shape. Cut each rope in pieces and press with a fork in each piece to decorate it.
recipe vegan gnocchi

recipe gnocchi
If you want you can make a double portion and save the uncooked gnocchi in the freezer.
Boil water in a medium pan and add the gnocchi. When they float to the surface, the gnocchi is done. This won’t take long, so keep an eye on it.

vegan sweet potato gnocchi

Now your homemade, vegan sweet potato gnocchi is done and you can make whichever gnocchi recipe you want with it. I love frying them shortly with a bit of olive oil, just 1 or 2 minutes each side. Serve them with roasted tomatoes, fresh spinach and sage or thyme for a full meal!

sweet potato gnocchi dinner


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