

Recipe vegan tabbouleh

Tabbouleh is a great dish for summer! This middle eastern dish is not only healthy and easy to make; it’s also very easy to make ahead and take with you on a summer’s picnic!
This dish is vegetarian and vegan, although you can add some feta cheese if you want.
Below is the recipe for 4 portions if you serve it as a main dish, you can of course also serve it as a side dish for 8 to 10 people.

* 1 package of Bulgur (275 gram)
* 1 cucumber
* 3 tomatoes
* spring onions (around 5)
* fresh mint leaves

Prepare the bulgur as stated on the package and let it cool completely. Chop the cucumber and tomatoes and cut the spring onions. Mix the vegetables with the bulgur and serve with the fresh mint leaves.

You can store the Tabbouleh in a container in the fridge until serving.

recipe healthy tabouleh



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