
Vegan Hot Dogs

I love making vegetarian and vegan versions of dishes that normally include meat. And somehow the junkfood meals are even more satisfying to veganize! This time I made vegan hot dogs. On this page I’m telling you all about how I made them so that you can make your own vegan hot dogs.

The main ingredient that you’ll have to replace for turning an old-fashioned hot dog into a vegan hot dog is the sausage. Luckily there are many great vegan sausages available nowadays. They’re so similar to meat sausages that I fool my boyfriend every time and I actually like the taste better than the ones of real meat.
For these vegan hot dogs I used the plant based sausages from Moving Mountains. But feel free to experiment with the brands that are available in your supermarket.

Some people only use a soft white bun, a sausage and some mustard and ketchup when they’re eating hot dogs. I’m not like that! I bring my hot dogs to the next level and serve them with more toppings and on a whole-wheat baguette. Most white buns contain milk powder so they’re not vegan, and besides that they’re not that healthy. I always try to use whole wheat products if they’re available. For these vegan hot dogs I used whole wheat baguettes that you need to bake in your oven for crispyness.

Recipe Vegan Hot Dogs

Ingredients (for 4 hot dogs):
4 whole wheat baguettes or bread rolls
4 vegan sausages
6 pickles
6 tablespoons raw vegetables
4 tablespoons vegan truffle mayonaise
2 tablespoons crispy onions

Prepare the baguettes as stated on the package (if needed). Fry some olive oil in a skillet and fry the sausages on medium fire for a few minutes on each side. Slice the pickles and finely chop the vegetables.
Cut the bread open lengthwise, make sure to not cut all the way through. Put raw vegetables in on one side, and put the sausage in on the other side. Put the sliced pickles in between the sausage and the bread.
Top with vegan (truffle) mayonaise and optionally ketchup. Sprinkle with the crispy onions.

These vegan hot dogs go great with sweet potato fries.

You might also like my recipe for vegan pulled jackfruit tacos.

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