Courgetti Egg Nests

These Courgetti Egg Nests make a great brunch dish. They’re healthy, easy to make and a great way to increase your daily vegetables intake.
Most people don’t eat enough vegetables. Adding veggies to your breakfast or lunch is a great way to get closer to the recommended daily intake.
With these Courgetti Egg Nests you’ll have a good and healthy start of your day!

Most people in Europe call the spiralized courgette strings ‘courgetti’, a combination of ‘courgette’ and ‘spaghetti’. But in the United States were they’d call the vegetable a zucchini, they call it ‘zoodles’ where they combine ‘zucchini’ with the word ‘noodles’. No matter what you call it, courgetti or zoodles, these egg nests are great to make. It’s super easy; you won’t need many ingredients and just one pan. It’s healthy as you already get a bit of your vegetable intake before dinner. These courgetti egg nests are low in carb and only have 84 calories each.
I was inspired to make these Courgetti Egg Nests by Devoted Existence.

Recipe Courgetti Egg Nests

Ingredients (for 2 people):
1 courgette (zucchini)
2 eggs
Pepper to taste
Olive oil

A Spiralizer

Spiralize the courgette. Warm a frying pan on medium fire and add the olive oil. Divide the courgetti in two and place it in the pan. Crack the eggs open over the courgetti. Fry for 4-6 minutes.

Please note that this dish isn’t safe for pregnant women.

Click here for all my healthy breakfast, brunch and lunch dishes.

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