
Hotel Niaouly in Antananarivo Madagascar

Looking for a hotel in Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar? I recommend Hotel Niaouly. This centrally located hotel is reasonably prized and has comfortable rooms.
Almost all international travelers will arrive in Madagascar via the airport in the capital city Antananarivo (often shortened to Tana). And even though nature is probably your main reason to visit this beautiful island, there’s no harm in spending a day or two in the capital city. Hotel Niaouly is the perfect starting point for exploring Tana.
Hotel Niaouly can arrange a taxi to and from the airport, just send them an email beforehand. The taxi will cost you around 12 euros (or 50.000 Airiary)

Antananarivo is divided in two parts, a lower and a higher part. The higher part, called Haute Ville, is especially nice to walk around in. Hotel Niaouly is perfectly located at the edge of Haute Ville with a good restaurant area on the other side of the hotel.

The rooms at Hotel Niaouly are very spacious. They’re a great mix of African design and European comfort. We also had a small balcony in our room with great views of the city. The picture above is taken on our balcony.
The WIFI works really good, not only at the reception area but also in the rooms.

The staff is very friendly, although you might want to practice your French. Most hotel employees in Madagascar don’t speak good English.

Hotel Niaouly also has a very good restaurant. You can go there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The menu changes daily but you’ll be able to taste some typical local foods like Zebu meat. The restaurant also has a balcony overlooking Antananarivo. You can also enjoy a drink from the hotel restaurant on the balcony. Especially in the afternoon it’s a great spot to cool down after a day of sightseeing.

You can book your room at Hotel Niaouly here.

Booked your tickets to Madagascar? Click here for my 10 things you need to know before going to Madagascar.

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Africa · Hotels

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