
Pizza diet

Many people (including me) are watching what they’re eating in January. It’s a good new years resolution. After all the December food it’s time to get back on track and to eat healthy again. But you don’t have to go all ‘juices and salads’! What if I tell you that you can eat healthy with a pizza diet! For real, you can just eat pizza and still eat healthy!
Magioni developed the Pizza Diet, a diet where you can eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

It almost sounds too good to be true but there’s no catch. They developed 9 recipes, so that you can have 3 pizza meals for 3 days in a row. And each day doesn’t contain more than 1450 calories in total, which is perfectly fine for when you’re watching your calorie intake. They also make sure you eat at least 250 grams of vegetables (on day three that’s even over 400 grams of veggies!).
Now you can take this diet as seriously as you want to, but it shows that you don’t have to starve yourself if you want to eat more healthy! You can download the e-book with all the recipes (in Dutch) at On this page I’m sharing a breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe from the Pizza Diet with you!

Pizza for Breakfast
breakfast pizza matcha magioni
I already knew that you can have pizza for breakfast with my oatmeal breakfast pizza, but Magioni makes it very easy to have a breakfast pizza. This Matcha Pizza only contains 314 calories and has 71 grams of vegetables!

Ingredients (for 1 person):
1 Matcha pizza base
25 grams coconut yogurt (for example from Abbot Kinney’s)
30 grams blackberries
5 grams coconut flakes
2 grams matcha powder
Pumpkin or sunflower seeds

Preheat the oven to 220°C, bake the pizza base for 8-10 minutes. Cover the base with coconut yogurt and divide the blackberries, coconut flakes and pumpkin or sunflower seeds over the base. Sprinkle with the matcha powder as finishing touch.


Pizza for Lunch
pizza waffles raspberry magioni lunch
How cute are these raspberry pizza waffles? And with 70 grams of vegetables they’re even quite healthy!

Ingredients (for 1 person)
1 raspberry waffle pizza
30 grams plant based yogurt
5 grams of mini marhsmallows
5 grams colored sprinkles
Optionally: fresh raspberries, grated dark chocolate.

Preheat the oven to 220°C, press 1 ice cream stick in each waffle and bake the pizza waffle for 8 minutes.
Serve the pizza waffle with the plant based yogurt and the toppings.


Pizza for Dinner: pumpkin pizza with goat cheese, figs and crunchy potato duo

pumpkin pizza vegetarian recipe
Ingredients (for 1 person)
1 pumpkin pizza base
30 grams cream cheese light
2 gram maqui powder
20 gram Zoe Zazu goat cheese
25 grams Jerusalem artichoke (aardpeer)
25 grams truffle potato
1 fresh fig
1 shallot

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, bake the pumpkin pizza base for 12 minutes. Cut the Jerusalem artichoke and the truffle potato in small slices, put them on an oven tray. Spray them with olive oil and bake them in the oven for 15 minutes.
Mix the cream cheese with the maqui powder and cover the pizza base with the spread. Cut the goat cheese, shallot and fig in slices. Top the pizza with them and the truffle potato and Jerusalem artichoke.

Let me know if you’ve made one of the dishes of the Pizza Diet!

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