10 Reasons for visiting Swedish Lapland in Summer

When you hear the word Lapland you might automatically think of winter. Images of snow, husky rides and snow mobiles might come to mind. But visiting Swedish Lapland in summer is a great idea. Swedish Lapland has so much to offer in the summer time. There are wonderful things you can see and do in Lapland in July and August. So if you’re planning your next summer vacation, you might want to consider Swedish Lapland!
I’ve been on a road trip to Swedish Lapland last year and therefor I can tell you all the benefits of visiting Swedish Lapland in summer. I’ve listed 10 reasons for visiting Swedish Lapland in Summer on this blog.

1 Long Days

As the Lapland area in Sweden is located quite far North, it means that the days are long in Summer. The longest day is on June 20, when you’ll have 24 hours of daylight. But the days are also still very long in July. This means you’ll have loads of time to see and do things and you can spend hours in the evening just enjoying dinner outside.

2 Direct flights from Rotterdam

For everyone who lives in the Netherlands there’s an extra reason to visit Swedish Lapland in summer. Voigt Travel offers direct flights from Rotterdam Airport to Skelleftea in July and August. Skelleftea is the perfect city to start your trip in Swedish Lapland.
Personal tip: stay in the Stiftsgarden Hotel, it’s my favorite hotel in Skelleftea.

Click here to read about the best accommodation in Swedish Lapland.

3 Hiking

The mountains that are covered with snow in the winter time, are excellent for hiking in the summer time. We did several hikes in the area and they were all relatively easy. They make a perfect day activity in the summer. You can bring a picnic basket, or book a hike at Sorbyn Lodge where a guide will prepare a picnic for you in the woods! Or go on a more adventurous hike with Arjeplog Experience.

4 Mountain Biking

There are several great mountain bike routes in Swedish Lapland that are perfect to do in summer. In the town Arjeplog for example there’s a mountain bike trail around the lake. The trail is perfectly maintained and so it’s an easy ride.

5 Wildlife

We saw many reindeer when we were in Swedish Lapland last summer. They often just walk on the road! Apparently it’s the easiest route for them as the road is flat and free of obstacles. Sometimes you see them walking alone but we also saw mothers with baby reindeers or groups of several reindeers together.

6 Boat Trips

Swedish Lapland has an incredibly large amount of lakes. During the winter they all freeze over, but in the summer you can go for all kinds of watersports activities. Rent an electrical boat at Burtresk campsite for example or go fishing at Sorbyn Lodge. Speaking of fishing; it’s a popular pastime in summers in Sweden. There are many places where you can rent a boat and fishing rods or when you can go on a guided fishing trip.

7 Sunsets

Because of its many lakes there are many opportunities to catch a great sunset in Swedish Lapland. Just look Westward at dusk and I’m pretty sure you’ll catch a great sunset.

8 Drink Water from the Lake

Many lakes in Sweden are so clean that you can drink a cup of water straight from the lake! I took a paper cup with me when I went mountain biking in Arjeplog so that I could fill it in the lake when I got thirsty. It’s amazing to see such clear water in your cup straight from the lake!

9 Pop-Up restaurants

As the summer in Swedish Lapland is the complete opposite of winter in the same area, there are many activities that only happen in July and August. Last summer we had dinner at the Isboden pop-up restaurant next to the Stiftsgarden Hotel in Skelleftea. The pop-up restaurant is only open in the summer, so it’s a unique experience.

10 Outdoor dinners

The Swedish love to cook dinner outside on an open fire. And I have to say that there’s something very appealing to it. You see how the food is prepared and the smell already tickles your appetite. The people in Swedish Lapland have a love for local and seasonal food, which you’ll probably notice if you’re visiting it. The summer is also a great time to pick your own blueberries for dessert!

Click here to read all about the road trip we made in Swedish Lapland last summer.

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