
Breakfast Tarts

You can have pie for breakfast and still have a healthy start of the day! I’ve created a recipe for healthy breakfast tarts. These breakfast tarts are vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free.

I love making tasty dishes that are still healthy. Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless, on my website I hope to show you how delicious healthy meals can be. These breakfast tarts are no exception! They’re a nutricious start of the day and it feels like you’re eating a cake for breakfast.

I made these breakfast tarts with oats and mixed nuts. I got the mixed nuts from online shop Koro. They sell all kinds of healthy food products of which many are vegan, gluten-free and/or sugar free. If you use code TRAVELFOODIE you get a 5% discount on your Koro order.

The filling is just unsweetened soy yogurt from the supermarket. Nothing difficult or fancy! You can of course use any kind of (plant-based) dairy that you want. The same goes for the toppings. I still had some dried raspberries from Koro and some blueberries in the fridge. But you can top it with any kind of fruit.

Recipe Breakfast Tarts

Ingredients (serves 4):
120 grams oats
2 tablespoons flaxseed
2 tablespoons mixed nuts
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons maple syrup 
Unsweetened soy yogurt
Fruit of your choice

Preheat the oven to 180C. 
Mix the oats, flax-seed, mixed nuts, coconut oil and maple syrup in a food processor. Divide the mixture over 4 mini tart tins. 
Bake the breakfast tart bases in the oven for 15 minutes. Let them cool for a few minutes or store them in an air-tight container for later.
Before serving, fill them with the soy yogurt (or any other kind of plant-based dairy of your choice) and some fresh fruit.

You might also like my recipe for oatmeal breakfast pizza.

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