Easter brunch: Dutch Baby Pancake

This Dutch Baby Pancake is perfect for your Easter brunch. Have you ever heard of the Dutch Baby Pancake? This big pancake is baked in the oven instead of in a pan. It’s thick and mega fluffy pancake isn’t actually Dutch but it sure is very tasty. On this page I’m sharing a version that’s perfect for Easter.

I already shared several Dutch Baby Pancake recipes on my blog. I started with a sugar-free Dutch Baby Pancake recipe, this recipe is great if you like sweet brunch dishes but you also want to watch your sugar intake. After that I shared a savory Dutch baby pancake recipe. Showing that these fluffy pancakes can also be made for people that like a savory brunch. Or you can even make it for dinner!
And if you want to go all out, you can make my chocolate Dutch baby pancake.

For this Easter version I’ve added some extra eggs. If there’s one ingredient that I think of when. I think of Easter, it’s eggs. And my favorite way to prepare eggs is. to poach them. You might think that it’s difficult to poach eggs. But in this video I’m showing you a super easy way to poach eggs.
Scroll down for this Easter Dutch Baby Pancake.

Recipe Easter Dutch Baby Pancake

Ingredients (for 1 big pancake, 2 people):
6 eggs
85 grams flour
180 ml milk
2 tablespoons grated Cheddar cheese
4 tbs butter
1 red onion
1 mini cucumber
Fresh rosemary

Put a skillet in the oven and preheat the oven to 220 Celsius. Mix 4 eggs, the flour, the milk and the cheese with a mixer until fully mixed. Take the skillet out of the oven, put the butter in and let it melt. Stir the pan around so the butter coats the sides as well. Pour the batter in the skillet and bake for 17-20 minutes. The Dutch Baby Pancake is ready when it’s fluffy and the edges are golden brown. 
In the meantime, cut the cucumbers and the red onion. Poach the two remaining eggs.
Serve the Easter Brunch Dutch Baby Pancake with the onion, cucumber, poached eggs and rosemary.

You might also like my recipe for Fluffy Japanese Pancakes.

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