
Festival food: vegetarian falafel wrap

Did you visit many festivals this summer? I love going to music festivals or food truck festivals. I’m very happy that the food at festivals has improved a lot. Remember the days when all you could get at a festival was French fries?
Luckily that has changed and you’ve got food-trucks serving all kinds of dishes from all kinds of countries. I’m also happy that more and more (music) festivals are offering good vegetarian food at their stands (check my list for vegetarian options at Festival Mundial for example).
The Allerhande, the free magazine of supermarket Albert Heijn has a special on festival food this month. This made me enthusiastic to create my favorite festival food at home.
One of my favorite vegetarian festival foods is a wrap with falafel. It’s pretty healthy, tasty and easy to eat. Luckily these falafel wraps are very easy to make yourself, so you don’t have to wait for the next festival to have one! Below I’ve shared the recipe for these vegetarian falafel wraps.

Vegetarian Falafel Wraps
Ingredients (2 people):

1 package whole wheat wraps (4 pieces)
1 package falafel balls (200 grams)
74 grams lettuce
4 tbs hummus
1 red bell pepper
1 red onion
2 tbs pommegranate seeds
1/4 package feta cheese (about 50 grams)
Warm some olive oil in a skillet and shortly fry the falafel balls on both sides. Prepare the wraps as stated on the package. Cover them with the hummus. Cut the bell pepper and red onion in slices. Warm a contactgrill or skillet and shortly grill the pepper and onion. Crumble the feta cheese. Divide the lettuce, bell pepper, red onion, falafel balls, pommegranate seeds and falafel over the wraps.
Roll them up and serve them.
I served mine in the eco-friendly compostable holders from Eureka Caterware.

This vegetarian falafel is also great for a picnic!

Click here for all my healthy dinner recipes.

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