
10 Baking Recipes with Apple

I love baking with apples. Warm apples don’t only taste great, they smell wonderful too. On this page I’m sharing 10 baking recipes with apple. From Apple Roses to Apple Nut Pie. Preheat your oven and invite your family or friends for these apple baking recipes.

1 Apple Roses

One of the first recipes I shared on this blog was the recipe for Apple Roses. They’re super easy to make and you’ll only need a few ingredient. They’re also great to make for someone for example for Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day.
Click here for the recipe for Apple Roses.

2 Apple flower pie

I got the idea for the apple roses from the internet, but shortly after I made those I created this Apple Flower Pie. It’s just as easy to make but a whole lot more original. It’s great to serve at a party as everyone can pull a flower petal of the pie.
Click here for the recipe for this Apple Flower Pie.

3 Apple Ring Pancakes

These apple ring pancakes are a great way to eat more fruit. You’re eating delicious pancakes but in the meantime you also get your fruit intake. You slice an apple in rings, dip them in pancake batter and shortly fry them on each side. I used a vegan pancake batter for these pancakes.
Click here for the recipe of apple ring pancakes.

4 Apple crumble

You can eat this apple crumble for dessert, but if you really want to spoil yourself you can have it for breakfast too! The warm apples smell so good and the crumble adds a nice crunchy texture.
Click here for this apple crumble recipe.

5 Apple Strüdel

Apple Strudel is a very popular pie in Germany and Austria, and it’s also super nice to make it yourself. I’ve shared a vegan version of Apple Strudel on my blog, which is also great for those who are lactose intolerant.
Click here for this vegan apple strudel recipe.

6 Apple muffins

These apple muffins are super easy to make and great as a snack to bring to school or work with you.
They’re great finger food, no plates or forks are needed to eat these muffins.
Click here for the recipe for these apple muffins.

7 Apple Pecan Cake

I love making this Apple Pecan Cake on cloudy days. It’s so comforting and the house smells so good when it comes out of the oven! The recipe is a combination of an apple pie and a cinnamon cake, and the pecan nuts give some extra crunch to it.
Click here for the recipe of this Apple Pecan Cake.

8 Apple Frittella

I got this Apple Frittella recipe from the cookbook Cook the Mountain. It looks a bit like my apple ring pancakes, but the batter is different. And it has a nice ‘secret’ ingredient: champagne!
Click here for this Apple Frittella recipe.

9 Healthy Apple Pie

This Apple Walnut Cake is healthier than regular apple cakes, as there’s no sugar added to this recipe. I got the recipe for this healthy apple cake from the book ‘Eet als een Expert Party Time’.
Click here for the recipe of this Apple Walnut Cake.

10 Apple Galettes

I think these apple galettes are so cute. You only need three ingredients to make these apple galettes but they’re still quite original because of the way you present them.
Click here for this apple galette recipe.

Click here for more baking and dessert recipes.

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