Veggie restaurant in Eindhoven: Bij Albrecht

I discovered a new vegetarian restaurant in Eindhoven: Bij Albrecht. They’ve been open for 6 months now and are one of those restaurants that I really love. Mostly because they serve delicious vegetarian and vegan food but also because of the story behind it.
Bij Albrecht is owned by young couple Manfred and Bernadette. He’s a passionate chef who lets his guests enjoy a dish with high quality ingredients prepared with care. She’s a natural food nutritionist who’s using her knowledge to make people aware of the importance of healthy food. Together they believe that nature offers us everything we need, that’s why they only serve organic, vegetarian food.

sandwich grilled vegetables bij albrecht eindhoven

For lunch they’ve got several toppings that you can all get on either a big slice of bread, a wrap or a club sandwich.
Pictured above you see the grilled vegetables with pesto. They also have several soups.

vegan curry at bij albrecht eindhoven
Bij albrecht also serves dinner. They’ve got noodles with vegetables and soy sauce, a Thai red curry, a pasta with truffle and a seasonal Dutch ‘stamppot’. Their desserts are different every day, so you can ask your waiter what’s on the menu!

Click here to reserve your table at Bij Albrecht

Read about my other favorites in Eindhoven here, or check this page for healthy hotspots in other cities in the Netherlands.

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