IKEA goes healthy (and vegan!)

Some of you might remember that my (vegan) kale-couscous dish won the IKEA Food Challenge in November.
As of last week, all restaurants at IKEA in the Netherlands serve my healthy (and vegan) dish! I’m super excited and also quite proud.
I was at IKEA Amsterdam last week to serve the first portion of my dish, you can read all about this fun evening here on my blog.
If you don’t live in the Netherlands; don’t worry! You can make this dish yourself very easily. All you need is the vegetable balls from the IKEA Swedish Food Market and my recipe.
And if you do live in the Netherlands, I’d love it if you would try my dish next time that you’re at an IKEA restaurant!
Don’t forget to tag me (@anne_travel_foodie) if you post your picture on Instagram.

IKEAfoodchallenge winnaar

I went backstage at the restaurant of IKEA to make some plates ready with the chef. This was also a good time for me to taste the kale-couscous and see if they made it the way I did. And I have to say that it tasted really good. It even tasted slightly better than when I made it.
After that it was time to serve my dish to the guests. It was quite strange to be at the other side of the counter at the IKEA restaurant and maybe even stranger to serve people my dish!
I also chatted with some of the guests to hear their experience. I was relieved to hear so many positive responses!

vegan ikea

By winning the #IKEAFoodChallenge, I also won an IKEA kitchen of my choice! What a dream price! Especially for a foodie! I can hardly wait to go shopping for my new kitchen. I’m moving to a new house in a couple of months, and I already know what my favorite part of the house will be!
Now that I was at IKEA anyway, I decided to stroll around a bit to think about what kind of kitchen I’d like to choose. I really like white, wood, clean and industrial and I found a lot of inspiration for my future kitchen!

I hope everyone will enjoy my kale-couscous at IKEA!

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Anne Travel Foodie