
Mocktails: alcohol free cocktails

Ever heard of a Mocktail? It’s a cocktail that doesn’t contain any alcohol. This isn’t only great for pregnant women and kids, it’s perfect for adults with a healthy lifestyle as well! These alcohol free cocktails are perfect summer drinks. I’ve made 3 Mocktails, or as they’re often referred to ‘virgin cocktails’.

Virgin Mojito

Makes 2 mojito’s

1 can of Finley Mojito*
1 lime
handful of fresh mint leaves
Ice cubes or crushed ice

No Finley in your supermarket? Use 250ml of sparkling water, 4 grams of sugar and 5ml lime juice
Cut the lime in parts. Divide the lime and mint leaves over 2 glasses. Put the ice cubes in the glass and cover with Finley Mojito. Decorate with a slice of lime and some mint leaves.

Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri

Serves 2

10 strawberries
2 tbs strawberry or raspberry lemonade syrup (I used less sugar Raspberry siroop from Albert Heijn)
400 ml sparkling water
Cut 4 strawberries in slices and put them in two glasses. Poor the lemonade in and fill the glass with the sparkling water.
Put the 6 remaining strawberries on small skewers and use them as decoration.
It’s really tasty to dip them in your virgin strawberry daiquiri before you eat them!

Elderflower Fizz

Serves 2
1 bottle of Elderflower Soda (275 ml)
100 ml sparkling water
1 cucumber
2 bamboo sticks

Cut the cucumber in thin slices lengthwise. I used a mandoline to get extra thin slices, but you can also use a cheese grater.
Zig-zag the cucumber slices over a bamboo skewer. I used 3 slices for each skewer. Put the cucumber skewers in two glasses. Divide the Elderflower Soda over the two glasses. Top with the sparkling water.

Now that you’ve got the healthy party drinks covered, you might also want to check my healthy party food recipes.

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