My pregnancy: the second trimester

As I told you a while ago, we’re having a baby! On my blog I’ll keep you posted about my pregnancy. I already shared my blog on my first trimester of my pregnancy with you. Today I’m telling you all about week 13 to 28 of my pregnancy: the second trimester.

The picture at the top of this page shows me at 18, 22 and 26 weeks. It’s so special to see my belly grow!

Weeks 12-16

This period started with the 12 week ultrasound. It was so great to see our little baby again and I was so impressed with how much it already looked like an actual baby. After this ultrasound I called and texted my closest friends. It was so nice to tell them the good news and all the responses were so lovely.
And this was also the moment where I ordered all kinds of free baby products that are available for pregnant ladies.

I was also very happy that from week 13 onwards, I had more of an appetite and I didn’t have that bad taste in my mouth anymore that I often had in my first trimester.
I was still a bit more tired than I’d normally be, but that was totally fine as it was a lockdown with curfew anyway. So I had a good excuse to take it easy.

In week 14 I suddenly had a small belly. It really appeared almost overnight. On one day there was nothing to see and the next day I had a small baby bump. I first thought that I would grow real big in no-time if that was the speed, but it stayed as small as it was for the following weeks.

In week 16 the baby was the perfect foodie baby, as it was as big as an avocado and as heavy as a bar of chocolate! It’s funny because I created two Instagram story filters; one with avocados and one with chocolate bars!
Click here to see how you can use the avocado filter on Instagram and Facebook.

Weeks 16-20

I started shopping for some gender neutral baby clothes. As I focus on sustainability, I was also looking for sustainable baby clothes. I found a great website selling sustainable and environmental friendly baby clothes: Baby Natura. I found this super cute pyjama there. It’s from the German brand Cosilana and made from super soft organic Meriono wool. This neutral pyjama is free from any coloring, so perfect for the fragile baby skin.

At 16 weeks we had a check at the obstetrician. I was hoping that we’d get an ultrasound to hear the gender. But unfortunately we only listened to the heartbeat. Although it was also very comforting to hear the heartbeat. But we had to wait a little longer to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.

My belly didn’t grow any further until I was about 19 weeks pregnant. I weighed myself at 19 weeks, and I gained 4 kilos. I have no idea if that’s above or below average. I also don’t really mind, I feel great so that’s the most important thing.
At 19 weeks we also got another ultrasound. They checked many medical things so it was quite exciting. Luckily everything was totally fine. The heart, intestines, bones and brains; everything was perfect. And we also heard if we’re expecting a boy or a girl. But I’ll tell you about that later!

Weeks 20-24

My belly started growing quite a lot in these weeks. I was happy that I got some good belly oil from Joone. You might know Joone from their cute diapers, but they also have wonderful products for moms to be.
Because I loved their belly oil so much I’ve arranged a discount code for my readers. If you use code ANNELOVESJOONE you get a 15% discount on your first order on the Joone website. The code also works on their diapers with nice patterns by the way!

Weeks 24-27

I was following a photography course when I got pregnant. One of the lessons we went to the studio and took pictures of each other. A great benefit for me is that I now have wonderful maternity shots of myself. I was 25 weeks pregnant when this picture was taken.
There was no way I could hide my belly anymore in these weeks. With 26 weeks I gained 9 kilograms. I still felt very good though. I only had a long period where I’d wake up in the middle of the night and be unable to go back to sleep for about an hour. So I went to bed early these weeks to still get enough sleep.
In these weeks I also started with the nursery, click here to read all about our baby room.

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