After I told you all about the first trimester and the second trimester of my pregnancy; it’s now time to tell you about my third trimester. The last trimester, so the months in which we were really preparing for the baby. On this page you can read all about my pregnancy: the third trimester.
Week 28-31

When the third trimester of my pregnancy started I worked hard on the nursery. You can read all about the room for our baby boy here. I’m very happy with how it turned out. We’ve got many neutral colors and one dark green wall. Giving it a natural feel.
When I was almost 30 weeks pregnant we had a 3D ultrasound. The last medical ultrasound was at 19 weeks in my second trimester, the next one will be at 36 weeks where they check if he’s laying with his head down. but due to Corona, my partner Eelco can’t be present there. So I wanted to book an extra ultrasound, to bridge the gap between the two ultrasounds. It was so lovely to see our little boy in 3D. He had this cute little head and he was very flexible as he had is foot near his lips almost the entire time.
Week 32-35

At 32 weeks I had my last Pregnancy Pilates lesson, it was such a useful course. I highly recommend it to every pregnant lady. If you’re also living in Tilburg, you can read all my tips about being pregnant in Tilburg here.
When I was 33 weeks pregnant, I was surprised with a lovely baby shower by my colleagues. As you might know I work part-time as a drama teacher besides my blog. My colleagues told me we had a meeting and I didn’t expect a thing. When I entered the classroom they had all kinds of decorations set up, and many lovely gifts on the table. I’m still confused that we didn’t have that meeting.
Week 36 and up

In week 36 my maternity leave started. In the Netherlands you can choose to go with maternity leave 4, 5 or 6 weeks before your due date. I choose 4 weeks, so my last day was when I was 36 weeks exactly. My last day at work I met up with my mentor class at school. I’ve been there mentor for two years. It wasn’t only a goodbye because of my maternity leave, it was also a goodbye of me as their mentor as they get a different mentor next year. It was great to see their faces one more time and they made or wrote lovely cards for me. Some of them even bought gifts, which I thought was really sweet for 14 year olds! We got a story book, diaper cake and a push car.
And only 2 days later I was surprised with a baby shower! I was going to have lunch with one of my best friends and all of a sudden she drove us to my parents house where some of my closest friends were waiting for me in the backyard. It was organised by both my sister-in-laws. Eelco’s sister made this whole escape room-like game for which I had to do all kinds of fun assignments. After every completed assignment I got a gift from one of my friends. They all bought a nice children’s book. My other sister-in-law (my brother’s wife) organised blue cupcakes and she took Polaroid pictures of me with every friend that was there. My mom also helped a lot with organising and hosting the party at her home.
It was such a perfect afternoon and a wonderful surprise. I feel so blessed and loved with these dear ones around me. Our little boy will grow up in such a warm nest.
When my maternity leave started I had time to arrange all practical things, like setting up the playpen and the high chair. You can read all about my favorite baby products for the living room here.
But I didn’t have long to enjoy my maternity leave, because just one week later my water broke and I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy Mats on July 2nd 2021.