On this page I’m telling you all about Youseum, the Instagram museum in Amsterdam. There are several Instagram and Tiktok museums in Amsterdam. Youseum is one of them. You can find this museum that’s all about you (hence the name) close to the Amsterdam Amstel train station. On this page I’m showing you pictures of Youseum and I’m sharing my review.
Gold Digger

Youseum starts with a presentation in which you hear the philosophy of they Instagram/Tiktok museum. They say that the museum is all about you. You deserve to be in a museum because you are a work of art!
After that there are two rooms foccusing on money! One is a vault full of golden bars and one is a room filled with dollar bills. Here you can have your pictures taken as a gold digger or bank robber!
Museum about You

As I said, the Youseum is a museum about you! In the beginning of the exposition, there’s a whole area about you. There’s a red carpet for example with photographers, there are television screens on which you can see yourself, and you can sit yourself down in this museum where it looks like you’re the piece of art.
Instagram likes

I guess many people visit Youseum to take nice Instagram pictures and they wish they would get 10,000 likes for it! At the Youseum you can just get a box with 10K likes. Just kidding of course. But it’s a great room at the interactive museum I think. The room is filled with big pink boxes with ’10K likes’ on it. There’s also a forklift truck so you can drive your likes out of the museum.
Facebook likes

Besides Instagram likes, there’s also a room about Facebook likes. But your boat is drowning in the blue ‘thumbs up’. I guess it symbolizes that you shouldn’t worry too much about likes on social media, and just post the pictures that you want to post!
You name it

In this room, that looks like a living room, you can decide what appears on the sign. You just type in what you want to see on the keyboard, and it’ll appear on neon letters above the sofa. I thought it would be nice to have my blog name on the wall.
Marriage Equality

I love it that Youseum makes a statement about equality. In this church for example you see a peace dove and the rainbow flag on the background. There are all kinds of bridal dresses and suits that you can put on.
And at the end of the experience, there’s a pink wall with a rainbow flag and the text: ‘Amsterdam loves you’.
Youseum reflection

There’s also a room in Youseum Amsterdam filled with mirrors. The walls, floor and ceiling are all reflecting. And in the center there are rotating mirrors. Youseum is a museum about you and in this room you’ll see yourself on display!

At the entrance of Youseum Amsterdam you can grab a free bottle of Lipton ice tea or water. Save your bottle when it’s finished because you can use it at the museum! This marry-go-round will activate when you throw your empty plastic bottle in it. It’ll actually turn around!
Ball pit

You can’t have an Instagram or Tiktok museum without a ball pit. Youseum knows this, and they end their exhibition with a great blue ball pit. It has a swing and it has a ‘cocktail bar’ (pictured at the top of this page).

As I said in the beginning, Youseum is a museum about you. As they clearly put it at the end: You are a work of art!
Click here to get your Youseum tickets.
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