
Testing: Japanese candy

You know you’re a foodie when one of your favorite things to do when in another country is going to the supermarket. I always bring home some typical products of the country I’ve been to. Often I do this so I can create recipes from the country at home (I’ve made Pad Thai after Thailand and Bobotie after South Africa for example). But in Japan I saw so many interesting sweets that I decided to go for a Japanese candy food haul!
I’ve bought all these candies in Japan and tested them for you! On this page I’m telling you all about me testing Japanese candy. 

You might have seen that there are three quite unique KitKat flavors for sale in Japan. Top left you see KitKat with Sake, the Japanese rice wine. Luckily you mostly taste the white chocolate and it just has a hint of sake flavor. Below that you’ll find the KitKat with matcha taste. Matcha is a green tea powder that you’ll find everywhere in Japan. You can drink it as a tea if you mix it warm water (or make a matcha latte with hot milk), but you can also use matcha powder as an ingredient in all kinds of dishes. Check my matcha recipes or my Matcha Pinterest board.
Below that you’ll see KitKat with Wasabi taste! Again, I was very happy that the wasabi taste wasn’t as strong as I expected but it’s still quite sharp. From the three KitKat variations the Matcha one is my favorite.

japanese sweets matcha kitkat sake wasabi
Speaking of matcha, in the middle you see the green package of Meiji cookies named after an emperor of Japan (and an era named after the emperor). Meiji is a big producer of chocolate in Japan, but they also make several other products like these cookies. They look like Oreo cookies but with a green matcha flavored filling. The outside of the cookie looks a bit unappetizing but it actually tastes quite good. The matcha flavored cream however wasn’t for me. It was to bitter in my opinion. I think only real matcha lovers will like it.

Top right you see something that looks like small mushroom-shaped cakes. These were my favorite! The top part is milk chocolate and the bottom part is a cookie. Such a perfect combination! If you ever go to Japan, you should definitely buy them! Or go for the wasabi KitKat if you want to be a bit more adventurous!
meiji chocolate cookie mushrooms japan

Click here for my recipe for Japanese souffle pancakes.

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